

Target Audience

Nutritionists, Veterinarians, and Farm Managers

Short Description

DL-Methionine (DL-M) and 2-Hydroxy-4-methylbutanoic acid (HMTBa) are frequently used as a feed supplement with the purposes to balance animal diets with regard to the level of methionne equivalents for maintenance and production purposes. Numerous studies involving different approaches and various animal species have been carried out in order to establish the nutritional efficacy of methionine and its analogues. In poultry, particularly in broilers, it is relatively easy to measure differences between methionine and its analogues for several reasons including: methionine is usually first limiting, practical supplementation levels are rather high, number of animals or replicates per treatment is relatively high and also the genetic variations between individual animals is usually low. In the presentation, Dr. Krishnan will highlight why these commercially available methionine and its analogues are different from a nutritional and feed milling perspective.

Speaker Biography

Dr. Pradeep Krishnan, a veterinarian by vocation, joined Evonik (SEA) Pet Ltd as Senior Technical Service Manager in 2015, In his current role as Regional Technical Director, APAC. Dr. Krishnan focuses on the future sustainability of food value chain, which is driven by three dimensions of innovation i.e. Efficiency, Ecology and Food Quality and Safety. Dr. Krishnan holds a Doctorate in Poultry Nutrition from University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA and has graduation in Veterinary and Animal Sciences from Kerela Agricultural University, India